1. General Data Collection and Use


3. Your rights

We are delighted that you are interested in our website. We attach particular importance to the protection of your data and your privacy. In this privacy policy, we inform you about the collection of personal information when using our website. Personal data is all data that directly concerns you, such as your name, your address, your e-mail addresses, your consumption habits.

Legal responsible

The legal representative, pursuant to art. 4 paragraph 7 of the EU General Data Protection Regulation is:

Boutique House of Exception


57100, Thionville (France)

You can contact our data protection officer at the following address: support @m-exception.fr , or by mail to our address above, adding the wording "Data Protection".

Data collection during your visit to our website

You can use our web pages purely for information purposes, that is to say without registration and without transmitting any information to us. In this case, we will only collect the personal information transmitted to our server by your browser. We then collect technical access data in log files (Logfiles), such as the name of the file downloaded, the date and time of the download, the volume downloaded, the type of browser used, as well as the number of serial and the IP address of the computer making the request. This technical data is necessary for us to display our website, and to guarantee stability and security during your navigation. The IP addresses that we collect are either deleted or anonymized as soon as your visit ends, in accordance with Article 6 paragraph 1 § 1 point f of the GDPR.

We also use cookies as well as tracking and analysis services, including those of third-party providers such as Google and Facebook (see the corresponding clauses below, in this statement).

Collection and use of data necessary for the conclusion of the contract or the processing of inquiries

We collect the personal data that you freely communicate to us when ordering or when contacting our services, either via the contact form or by e-mail. To find out what data is collected, please refer to the corresponding input forms.

We use the data you communicate to us to carry out the contract or to process your request. After final completion of the contract, or after processing of your request, your information will be locked for any other use, then deleted after expiry of the legal retention period, in accordance with the provisions in force in terms of taxation and trade, unless expressly authorized by your share for further use of your data.

Data collection and transmission when using our online shop, shipping and payment

If you wish to place an order on our online store, it is necessary to send us personal information to carry out the sales contract, and to process your order. Mandatory data at the conclusion of the contract are indicated by a distinctive marking; other information is optional. We process the data you send us for the purpose of managing your order. This includes the transmission of information relating to your method of payment to our main banking establishment.

To carry out the contract, we transmit your data to the company responsible for managing the shipment of your order, insofar as this information is necessary for the delivery of the ordered goods. To process payments, the respective service providers (who are legally responsible in this regard) depending on the payment method chosen, themselves collect the necessary information relating to the chosen payment method. Under no circumstances are we authorized to collect bank account or credit card numbers ourselves, and we cannot obtain them from the various service providers responsible for managing payments. The privacy policies of the various payment management providers are binding. If you pay via PayPal, PayPal (Europe) S.à rl et Cie, SCA (22-24 Boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg) is the responsible authority. If you pay by credit or debit card, your bank details will be collected by Caisse d'Epargne (France).

In accordance with the tax and commercial provisions in force, we are legally obliged to keep your address, as well as your information relating to the payment and your order for a period of 10 years. After a period of two years, we limit the use of your personal information to compliance with this legal obligation of its retention.

Use of data for subscription to the e-mail newsletter

By granting us your consent, you can subscribe to our newsletter, with which we will inform you of the latest current offers and news. For details of the products and services we promote via the newsletter, please refer to the declaration of consent. For registration to our newsletter, we apply the double opt-in process. Thus, we send you an e-mail to the e-mail address provided during your registration, so that you confirm your agreement to the sending of our newsletter. We also record the date and time of your registration and your confirmation, in order to be able to prove your registration, and, if necessary, to be able to highlight a possible malicious use of your coordinates.

The e-mail address is the only mandatory information for sending the newsletter. After your confirmation, we save your e-mail address to send you the newsletter. You can, at any time, revoke your consent to the sending of the newsletter, and deactivate it. To do this, please use the link provided for this purpose in said newsletter, in order to facilitate your immediate unsubscription.

Data Collection When Using the Product Rating Rubric

On our shop, you have the possibility to evaluate our products. Your appreciation will be published under the first name you have provided. If you do not wish your first name to be published, we recommend that you use a pseudonym instead of your real name. When you post a review, we save your IP address and your email address. We keep this information for the purpose of disclaiming any liability in the event of the publication of illegal content.

Data collection when participating in competitions

We use your data when you participate in our competitions organized on social networks. Your personal data will be used so that Maison d'Exception can contact the winners and thus deliver and track the prizes. For this purpose, we use the following personal data: surname, first name, address, e-mail address and telephone number.

The data collected will only be transmitted to third parties for the purpose of handing over the prizes won, in particular to transport companies mandated for this purpose.

The collection and processing of your personal data will be subject to your agreement when you decide to participate in a competition. You have the right to withdraw your consent to such processing at any time. In this case, Maison d'Exception can no longer guarantee your participation in the competition.

Use of cookies

In addition to the data mentioned below, we use cookies during your visit to our web page, which are saved on your computer, in order to make your next visits more attractive, and to allow the use of certain functionalities. Cookies are small text files which are saved on the browser of the device you are using, and which transmit certain information to the issuer of the cookie (here: us). Cookies can in no way execute a program or transmit a virus to your computer. They only serve to make our online offer easier to use and more effective.

Some of the cookies we use are deleted at the end of each session, i.e. as soon as your browser is closed (these are session cookies). Other cookies remain on your device to allow us to recognize your browser on your next visit (these are permanent cookies). You can configure your browser so that you are warned of the use of cookies, so that you can accept or decline their use in each case, or even deactivate them in certain cases, or in general. If you choose not to accept our cookies, some functionality of our website may be limited.

Use of Google services
Google Universal Analytics

This website uses Google Universal Analytics, a web analysis service from Google Inc. (1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA / “Google”). Google Universal Analytics uses “cookies”; these are small text files which are stored on your computer and which enable the use of our website to be analysed. The information generated by the cookie through the use of this website by visitors is in principle transmitted to a Google server in the USA, where it is stored. On this website, the anonymization of IP addresses has been activated, so that the IP addresses of users are shortened beforehand by Google within the member states of the EU, as well as in the other signatory countries of the agreement of the European Economic Community. The full IP address will only be transmitted by Google to the server in the USA in exceptional cases before being shortened there. Google will process this information on behalf of the operator of this website, in order to evaluate the use of the website by our visitors, to compile reports on the activity of our site, and to provide the administrator of the website of other services related to the use of the site and the internet. Under no circumstances will the IP address transmitted by your browser via Google Universal Analytics be correlated with other information collected by Google.

Furthermore, a user identifier (User-ID) is used. This identifier is not linked to a given device, but rather to a real user. The identifier itself consists of a unique, durable, non-personalized series of characters. This makes it possible to record the behavior of a given individual user on different devices (smartphone, tablet, notebook etc.). The assignment of a user ID takes place as soon as we are able to clearly identify a user. As a rule, this is only possible when using a personal domain (eg a user account in our online shop). When a user logs in for the first time, they are assigned a unique identifier. This identifier is sent to Google via Google Universal Analytics, to be used as a pseudonym vis-à-vis Google. Then, the online behavior of the user and his ID are transmitted to Google, which will associate them with profiles. Google then only obtains the user's identifier, but no information about the profile with which it is associated, nor any personal information about the user. The user profiles thus defined are then made available to us, in a summary format. Under no circumstances do we correlate the user profiles that have come to us for a given identifier with personal information of the corresponding user.

You may object to the use of data described in this privacy policy at any time, with future effect, by downloading the Google Analytics opt-out add-on for your browser, via the following link: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=en . This allows you to place an “Opt-Out” cookie, which will prevent the future processing of your data during your next visits to this site. This 'Opt-Out' cookie is only valid for this browser and only for our website, and will be placed on your device. If you delete cookies from this browser, you will need to replace the “Opt-Out” cookie.

For more information regarding terms of use and data protection, please consult the following links:

https://www.google.com/analytics/terms/fr.html or https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/6004245?hl=fr and https://support.google.com/analytics/ answer/2838718?hl=fr&ref_topic=2790009

Google Adwords Conversion Tracking

We use the services of Google Adwords, in order to draw the attention of users of other external sites to our attractive offer, by means of advertising media (so-called Google Adwords). By comparing the results with the dates of our advertising campaigns, it is possible for us to assess the effectiveness of various advertising measures. This allows us to follow your propensity to consider our advertising offers likely to arouse your interest, in order to optimize your experience as a visitor on our website.

These advertising media are delivered by Google via “ad servers” (Ad Server). For this, we use cookies for Ad Server, which allow us to measure certain parameters relating to the success of a campaign, such as the display of an advertisement, or the number of clicks by users. As soon as you arrive on our web page via a Google advertisement, then the Google Adwords service will save a cookie on your PC. These types of cookies generally expire after a period of 30 days, and should in no way be used to identify you personally.

These cookies allow Google to recognize your web browser. When a user visits certain web pages of an Adword customer's site, and if the cookie stored on his computer has not yet expired, then Google and his customer can know that this user has clicked on this offer to be redirected to this page. Each Adword customer is assigned a different cookie. Thus, cookies cannot be traced via the sites of Adword customers. Under no circumstances do we collect or process personal data ourselves via these advertising measures. Google only sends us the results of its statistical analyses; we do not obtain any additional information regarding the use of these advertising media, and cannot in any way identify a specific user from this information.

Due to the marketing tools we use, your browser will automatically establish a direct link with the Google server. We have no influence on the volume of data collected by Google, nor on their reuse due to the use of this tool, and would like to inform you of our level of knowledge on this subject: by the integration of the AdWords Conversion tool, Google becomes aware of the fact that you have visited the corresponding page of our online offer or clicked on one of our advertisements. If you are logged into your Google account, Google is then able to associate your visit with your account. Even if you do not have a Google account, or if you are not logged into your account, it is possible that the service provider becomes aware of your IP address and saves it.

You can prevent your participation in this tracking process in various ways:

  • By setting your browser to prevent tracking; please note that blocking cookies from third-party providers will prevent you from seeing advertisements from these third-party providers;
  • By disabling cookies for the Conversion-Tracking tool, by setting your browser to block cookies from the following domain name: “www.googleadservices.com” https://www.google.de/settings/ads , that this setting will be canceled if you delete your cookies;
  • By deactivating interest-based advertisements from providers that are part of the "About Ads" self-regulatory campaign, via the following link: http://www.aboutads.info/choices , i.e. this setting will be canceled if you delete your cookies;
  • By permanently deactivating them in your Firefox, Internet Explorer or Google Chrome browsers, via the following link: http://www.google.com/settings/ads/plugin .

We inform you that in the event of deactivation, you will probably no longer be able to use all the functionalities of our online offer.

For more information about Google's privacy policy, click here: https://policies.google.com/privacy? hl=fr and https://services.google.com/sitestats/fr.html . You can also visit the Network Advertising Initiative (NAI) website via the following link: http://www.networkadvertising.org . Google has submitted to the EU-US Privacy Shield program, https://www.privacyshield.gov/EU-US-Framework .

Google Dynamic Remarketing

In addition to the Adwords Conversion tool, we also apply Google Dynamic Remarketing. This is a process that allows us to contact you again. Thus, this application allows us to display, following your visit to our site, some of our offers on your screen during your next searches on the Internet. To do this, we use cookies stored on your browser, which allow Google to record and analyze your consumption habits during your visits to various websites. This way, Google becomes aware of your visit to our website. Google states that it does not correlate the information collected during this remarketing process with other personal data about you, which may be recorded by Google. Google also claims to use pseudonymization of profiles during this remarketing process.

If you wish to object to the remarketing function by Google, you can always deactivate it, by choosing the corresponding option via the following link: http://www.google.com/settings/ads or by deactivating cookies in your Navigator.

For more information about the Google Remarketing service and Google's privacy policy, click here: http://www.google.com/privacy/ads/

Use of Facebook services
Use of the Facebook Social Plugin service

Our website uses Social Plugins ( Plugins ) from Facebook. The Plugins are recognizable by their Facebook logo (white letter " f " on a blue background, or else a "thumbs up" type icon), or they are marked with the inscription " Facebook Social Plugin " . The list and appearance of Facebook Social Plugins is available here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/plugins?locale=fr_FR

We give you the possibility to communicate directly with the supplier of the plug-in module via the corresponding button. The plug-in provider will only be informed that you have visited the corresponding web page of our online offer if you activate the marked field by clicking on it. In addition, technical access data, mentioned above in this privacy policy, is also transmitted. According to Facebook, in France, the IP address is anonymized directly after it is collected. By activating the plug-in, certain personal information about you is also transmitted to Facebook and stored in the USA. Since the provider of the plug-in module collects its information by means of cookies in particular, we recommend that you erase all cookies from your browser before clicking on the plug-in, by going to the security settings of your Navigator. We have no influence on the data collected, nor on the processes relating to their processing, and the volume of the data collected is unknown to us, as well as their use or their retention periods. We also have no information about the deletion of the data collected by the provider of the plug-in module.

The data transfer takes place regardless of whether you have an account with the plug-in provider or not, and whether you are logged in or not. If you are logged in with the plug-in provider, the data collected from us will be directly associated with your account with the plug-in provider. If you press the button of the plug-in when it is activated, and for example link the page to it, then the plug-in provider will also save this information to your account. After using a social network, we recommend that you log out regularly, especially before activating the plug-in module button, to avoid association with your profile with the plug-in provider.

For more information on the scope and purpose of the collection of your data by Facebook and their use by Facebook, please refer to the provider's privacy policy, available via the link below. You will also find more information about your rights and the options for setting up your account to preserve your privacy.

If you have a Facebook account and do not want Facebook to collect information about you via our website, to associate it with your Facebook profile data, you must log out of Facebook before visiting our page. It is also possible to block Facebook plug-ins via add-on type modules for your browser, such as with the "Facebook Blocker" module.

Facebook Custom Audiences

In addition, our website also uses the “Custom Audiences” remarketing function offered by Facebook. This allows visitors to our website to display advertising offers personalized according to their areas of interest ("Facebook-Ads"), for example when they log on to the social network Facebook, or when they visit d other web pages that also use this process.

Thus, when you visit our website, a direct link to the Facebook servers is created. We have no influence on the scope or further use of the data collected by Facebook via this tool, and would like to inform you of our level of knowledge on this subject: through the integration of the Facebook Custom tool Audiences, Facebook becomes aware of your visit to the corresponding page of our website, or of the fact that you clicked on one of our advertisements. If you are registered with Facebook, Facebook is entitled to associate your visit with your account. Even if you are not registered with Facebook or if you are not logged in, it is possible that the service provider obtains knowledge of your IP address as well as other identification marks and saves them.

For people logged in, deactivation of the “Facebook Custom Audiences” function is possible via the following link:https://www.facebook.com/settings/?tab=ads#_=_ .

The processing of your data takes place in accordance with Article 6 paragraph 1 § 1 point f of the GDPR. For more information about data processing by Facebook, please visit the following page: https://www.facebook.com/about/privacy .

Adobe Typekit Online Fonts

To ensure uniform text display, this site uses online fonts (Web Fonts), which are provided by Adobe Typekit. When you download a page, your browser loads the necessary online fonts into your browser's cache in order to display texts and characters correctly.

For this, the browser you use must establish a direct link to the Adobe Typekit servers. Adobe Typekit then needs to know that our website is being visited via your IP address. The use of online fonts from Adobe Typekit helps us to provide an attractive online offer with a consistent look.

If your browser does not support online fonts, your computer will use a standard font.

For more information about Adobe Typekit online fonts, visit the following page: https://typekit.com/ as well as Adobe Typekit's privacy policy: https://www.adobe.com/fr /privacy/policies/typekit.html

Your rights

You can exercise the following rights regarding the personal data concerning you:

  • Right of access : You have the right at any time to request information about your personal data that we collect about you. You can send a message to the following address support@sensaura.fr to obtain your personal data by email.
  • Right of rectification : You have the right at any time to rectify your personal data if they are inaccurate, including to complete your incomplete personal data.
  • Right of deletion : You have the right to delete the personal data collected and processed at any time, indicating precisely the data covered by the request, except in particular in the following situations:

– You have an ongoing matter with Customer Service.
– You have an order in progress which has not yet been delivered or which has been partially delivered.
– If a purchase has been made, we will retain your personal data in relation to your order for accounting purposes.
– You are suspected of having or have used our services fraudulently during the year preceding your purchase.

  • Right to restriction of use : You have the right to request that Maison d'Exception limit the use of your personal data, and temporarily obtain the suspension of the processing of your personal data.
  • Right to object to their use : You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data for reasons relating to your particular situation. After studying your request, Maison d'Exception will stop using your personal data except:
  • if there are legitimate and compelling reasons to process the data or that they are necessary for the recognition, exercise or defense of legal rights,
  • a contract binds you with Maison d'Exception.
  • Right to portability : In the event that Sensaura processes your personal data in accordance with your consent, you have the right to obtain a copy of your data that you have transmitted to us in a structured and common format.
Privacy Policy Changes

The provisions of this Privacy and Cookies Policy may be modified if we deem it useful. In this case, this will be notified to you via several channels on our website (pop-up window, or a banner), or if the change is particularly important and significant, a newsletter will be sent to you via email. In any case, we suggest consulting our Privacy Policy regularly.

Sensaura – Eloma SAS

Last modification: February 8, 2019